For the winemaker
Vino Serve since
The tasks of the winegrower are many and varied:
He knows the particularities of the origin of his grapes in the growing region very well, knows about his vines and works all year round in the vineyard and cellar to bring nature into the bottle.
The winemaker incorporates his years and decades of experience into the vinification process.
And then he has to be a good businessman and place his products perfectly on the market!
Sometimes there simply isn’t enough time.
And that’s a shame, because the wonderful wines from the various growing regions deserve to be made accessible to a wide audience.
Vino Serve helps winegrowers to raise the profile of their wines.
Whether it is the design of a professional sales list is, a commented tasting for potential customers or for sales presentations at events, Vino Serve will be happy to support you. Benefitfrom decades of experience in the international wine market and the expertise of Georg Schweitzer.
Von punktueller Betreuung bis hin zur langfristigen strategischen Zusammenarbeit, alles ist möglich.
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